Troubles receiving traffic on your HTTP Server? Here’s a comprehensive guide to opening up the necessary ports in your Windows Firewall and get your server streaming smoothly again.
If you are trying to use an address other then, due to security permissions in windows, you will need to run a netsh command to allow the usage of the address and port.
If you’re experiencing issues with your HTTP Server not receiving traffic, the chances are that the Windows Firewall is blocking it.
By default, Windows Firewall blocks most of the ports to protect your computer from malicious attacks. However, when running a server like, you need to open a specific port, 7474 in this case, to allow incoming and outgoing traffic.
Getting Started
In this guide, we’re using port 7474 as an example because it’s free in our streaming setup. However, you can replace 7474 with any other port number that’s suitable for your setup.
Please note: modifying firewall settings requires administrative privileges. Make sure you have the necessary rights before proceeding.
Opening the Port for Inbound Traffic
Firstly, we need to allow incoming traffic to port 7474. To do this, follow these steps:
- Open the Command Prompt as an administrator. Search for ‘cmd’ in the Start menu, right-click on the ‘Command Prompt’ result, and choose ‘Run as administrator.’
- Enter the following command:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=" HTTP Server" dir=in action=allow protocol=TCP localport=7474
This command creates a new inbound rule named “ HTTP Server” in the Windows Firewall, allowing TCP traffic on port 7474.
Opening the Port for Outbound Traffic
Next, we need to allow outgoing traffic through the same port. Here’s how:
- Still in the Command Prompt, enter the following command:
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name=" HTTP Server Outbound" dir=out action=allow protocol=TCP localport=7474
This command creates an outbound rule, allowing traffic to exit your computer through port 7474.
Addressing the “Unable to Start HTTP Server” Error
Occasionally, you might encounter a message saying, “Unable to start HTTP Server, another service might be using the port!” This is often an issue of administrative rights. HTTP Server may not have the necessary permissions to open and use the designated port. In this case, the solution can often be as simple as running the application as an administrator.
Running as an Administrator
Follow these steps to set up to always run as an administrator:
- Locate the shortcut for on your Desktop or Start Menu. If you do not have a shortcut, navigate to the installation directory (usually in your Program Files), and create a shortcut from the application file (
- Right-click on the shortcut and select “Properties.”
- In the Properties window that appears, navigate to the “Shortcut” tab if it’s not already selected.
- Click on the “Advanced” button at the bottom of the window.
- In the Advanced Properties window that opens, you will see an option that says “Run as administrator”. Check this box.
- Click on “OK” to close the Advanced Properties window, and then click “OK” again to close the Properties window.
Remember to keep in mind security considerations when running applications as an administrator. It’s advisable to use this option only when necessary and with software that you trust. Be aware that running applications with administrative privileges can potentially expose your system to risks if the application becomes compromised.
Final Thoughts
That’s it! You’ve successfully configured your Windows Firewall to allow traffic through port 7474 for the HTTP Server. Your server should now be able to receive and send traffic without any issues. Remember, this guide applies specifically to Windows 10, and steps may differ for other operating systems.
If you’re behind a router or other hardware firewall, you might need to configure that separately. Always ensure your application is set up to accept connections on the specified port.
Happy Streaming!